The Olive Branch

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#5.5: Boy or Girl?

By the second trimester, Chris and I couldn’t keep it in any longer and were ready to share “with the world”  that our little bundle of joy was coming December 2018.

I was convinced that we were going to have a boy. As in so convinced that I actually bought a handful of little boy Christmas onesies. We were due in December so that seemed fitting. 

Obviously, first and foremost I wanted a healthy baby. And quite honestly, as long as I eventually had a girl one day I was all for a boy. 

Chris would have been happy keeping the gender a surprise, but I am way too type-a to just “sit back and wait”. I had a nursery that needed to be painted, a monogram to figure out, outfits to buy - all of the things!

So, that summer we decided to find out the sex of our babe by throwing a gender reveal party for our family. (If you’ve never tried to explain a ‘gender reveal’ to grandparents in their 80s, it is quite comical).

At our ultrasound appointment, we asked the technician to write the gender on a piece of paper and enclose the secret in a little white envelope.

I ordered gender reveal confetti poppers - one that would pop blue and one that would pop pink. From the outside, you could not tell the difference. My entire family met at my parents' house to find out right along with us the secret written on that piece of paper.

I gave the envelope to my friend and asked her to meet us out in the background with the correct confetti popper in hand. She was the only person that knew. 

She handed the popper to Chris and me. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t read her face.

Chris and I held on to the popper with dear life. 

With shaky hands and excited hearts, we twisted the top and were in shock as pink confetti glistened in the sky, hanging in the air for a split second before littering the ground like a blanket of fresh pink snow!

”Are you sure?!,” I yelled!