The Olive Branch

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#5.1: Steadfast & Sticky Boobs

Looking back now I wish I could tell myself, “Sweet girl, hang in there. Your Father knows something that you don’t. You have a miracle coming. And, she’s coming to you very soon. Remain steadfast.” 


Steadfast -To remain resolute or dutifully firm and unwavering. Yes. I decided that was going to be my word of 2018.


After the rollercoaster ride of January and February, Chris and I made a last minute decision to get out of dodge and spend the evening at the shore. It felt nice to get away, if only for a night, and wake up to the sunlight dancing on the water. 


Come to find out, that night away was the best decision we could have ever made. 


On the morning of  March 28th, 2018, after not feeling like myself for the past week and incessantly craving grapefruit, I took a ‘leftover’ pregnancy test and was nothing short of stunned when it read “yes”.


Holy. Smokes. 


Chris had already left for work. I needed to leave as well. But, was this for real?! I needed to get ready and FAST so that I could get out of the house in time to stop at the store, buy another pregnancy test to confirm it wasn’t a fluke, and make it to the office in time for my morning meeting.


I raced out of the driveway, and basically peeled wheels into the always bustling Wawa parking lot off of Lancaster Ave! I was practically running up and down the aisles in search of a test only to disappointedly realize that Wawa does not, in fact, sell pregnancy tests. “This is a joke,” I thought.


I raced back out to my car, waited impatiently for the light to turn green, and gunned it. Next stop, Rite Aid. 


I ran in, grabbed two boxes ( just to be certain), and swiftly made my way to the checkout counter. 


As I placed my tests on the counter, the cashier looked up and said to me, “I’m sorry ma’am, but our registers are down, and we don’t know when they will be back up”.

What?! NO. NO. NO. Is this seriously happening?


With no choice, I quickly put the two boxes back on the shelf to await the next lucky soul who would hopefully have better luck at actually purchasing these life changing little sticks. 


With the clock ticking, I predicted that I had time to make one more stop as long as I:

  1. sped;

  2. did not get pulled over; and,

  3. didn’t get caught up in morning rush hour traffic. 


It was a risk I was willing to take.


I hauled to CVS. Ran to the “family planning” aisle, and not only grabbed my boxes, but was finally able to successfully purchase them! Hallelujah! 


As I got back in the car, I realized that something felt “off”.  Much to my dismay, I looked down and realized that in the hustle and bustle of my morning activity, that one side of my “stick on bra” had fallen off and was nowhere to be found! I was overcome with hysterical laughter.


If you could have seen me that morning running around like a chicken with my head cut off, picking up and putting down pregnancy tests and losing sticky boobs - you would have thought I had lost my mind.


At this point, though, there was nothing to do.  I would have to face the day sans a sticky boob, and pray that whoever found it would have no idea what it was.