The Olive Branch

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#5.2: Throw Blanket or Baby Blanket?

After what seemed like hours, I finally made it to the office!

Vanguard is set up like a campus, with multiple buildings spread out over acres of land - almost college campus-like. My particular building was three floors, with my team located on the 3rd level.


I needed privacy. I decided to take the tests in the bathroom of the lowest level so that I wouldn’t run into anyone.


I hesitantly opened the bathroom door. “Good - it’s empty,” I thought to myself.


I made my way in, took my tests, and waited. 


While waiting in the stall, the bathroom door opened and that’s when I heard it. A school bus load of little girls participating in Vanguard’s spring break camp program for working Vanguard parents.


The safe haven of my private, silent bathroom was quickly filled with high pitched voices giggling, shrieking, and laughing -- not exactly the privacy that I was looking for. However, not more than a minute later, my own voice joined in with their choir of noise as I excitedly glanced down and saw more plus signs.  


WOW. Oh Wow!


Now what?! I wanted to plan an elaborate way to surprise Chris! But how?? A shirt? A trip? A cake?


That surprise planning lasted all of maybe 10 minutes, before I texted:


“Hey Babe - are you in a meeting? What is your capacity like today?”

“No. I’m in the bathroom.” (Apparently this is where all life changing moments happen) “And, my ‘capacity’ is fine. Why?”

“I’m pregnant.”


My phone rang. I burst into tears when I heard Chris’ voice. We were both filled to the brim with excitement, but also overflowing with fear. 

We had plans to leave for VA in two days to celebrate my mom’s birthday and Easter! I wanted to get into the doctor before I left, but there were no appointments available. I wanted to wait to tell my mom until I knew that everything was okay, but there was no way I could keep this from her. Waiting the day and half to get to VA to tell her in-person was going to be hard enough. 

After work, I ran to Nordstrom and picked up a sweet, little baby blanket. My plan was to put it at the bottom of her birthday gift bag and give it to her as soon as I arrived. 

My heart raced with nervous excitement the entire trip down to Virginia.  

My mom was on the front porch waving and waiting for me as I pulled into the driveway.

We walked inside together and I told her to sit down to open her gift.

She looked into her gift bag and peered up at me with a slightly confused look on her face. Then… it hit her.


It took a little more than a split second for her to realize it was not in fact a throw blanket for her new chair, but once it clicked, it clicked.

In shock, we hugged. We cried. We hugged some more. What a joyous way to celebrate her birthday and the resurrection of our Savior that Easter weekend.